- Point out current tendencies in Materials Science
- Attract attention to problems currently asked in this specialty
- Complete the knowledge by dealing with subjects outside the course program

Main themes
The seminar content varies from year to year as a function of the specialty tendencies and the invited speaker personality. The speakers belong to the industry world or are members of university or government research centers.
1 Materials science seminars are organized during the two academic year semesters.
2 It is strongly recommended to the students to attend to the largest number amongst the proposed seminars. Among them, the will make the selection of 10 seminars, for which the will write a maximum 2 printed page report and on which the exam will be based.
3 The students can choice seminars outside those proposed by the titular. In that case, the titular previous agreement is required and the seminar has to deal with a subject belonging to Materials Science.
If, due to a long period aboard in the frame of their final study thesis, some students feel difficulties to attend the 10 required seminars, they will inform the titular as soon as possible. He will check the possibility of an alternative bibliographic work to replace the missing seminars.
The attendance list has to be made by the course delegate for each seminar and to be given to the PCPM secretariat immediately after each seminar.
The seminar list is displayed at the POLY, PCPM and PCIM labs.

Content and teaching methods

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
1 The file containing the report on the 10 attended seminars will prepared and one copy will be given to the titular at least the exam session opening day. This report will be separately evaluated based on the form and the content.
2 The student will be allowed to present the oral part of the exam only if the report has be transmitted in due time and according to the recommendations. The exam will consist in a discussion about some of the seminars. This discussion is strongly different from a classic exam.
The titular wants to evaluate the student understanding level concerning the attended seminars. He points out the fact that they need to be able to give complementary explanations about the reported figures and terms.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil en science des matériaux
(2 credits)
