- to strengthen the theoretical bases for the analysis of written language disorders and/or existing therapeutical processes.

Content and teaching methods
This course presents the main theoretical models proposed today to describe the cognitive architectures related to the arithmetic processes and to the treatment of the numbers in adults (in particular, the model of Deloche & Seron, de McCloskey and of Dehaene). These models will progressively be integrated through the analysis of single case patients showing acquired acalculias. The course will be articulated around three themes: the conversion, the calculation and the number semantics. For each theme the various kinds of problems that can be met in the patients will be presented, the ways to assess them will be considered, the various theoretical modelisations of these disorders will be contrasted, and, if need be, the reeducation programs will be presented.
The aim of the course is to bring the students to master the single case method in neuropsychology, to develop a critical perspective towards the theoretical models, and to acquire a basis of knowledge needed for the evaluation and reeducation work with acalaculic adults.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Seminar based on a reading portfolio of scientific papers choosed according to the theme

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(2 credits)
