To introduce general theoretical elments about the voice. Review of the basic anatomo-physiological elements necessary to understand and to correct the voice disorders

Main themes
Classification of the disorders : dysfunctional dysphonias (simple, complex, particular), dysorganical dysphonias, child hoarseness, particular cases.
Speech therapy description of the disorder.
Speech therapy examination of the voice.
Critical studies of the various reeducation approaches.
Basic notions of voice hygiene.
LOGO 2222 completes LOGO 2221 and aims at allowing the students to practically tackle the various pathologies of the voice, i.e. to prepare the contacts with the patients

Content and teaching methods
Classification of the disorders : dysfunctional dysphonias (simple, complex, particular), dysorganical dysphonias, child hoarseness, particular cases.
Speech therapy description of the disorder.
Speech therapy examination of the voice.
Critical studies of the various reeducation approaches.
Basic notions of voice hygiene.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Anatomy and physiology of the larynx and of hearing + course of phoniatry
Lectures and presentation of video and audio documents. Presentation of books and papers.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(3 credits)
