Understanding and reading of about 200m kanji
Rather fluent lecture and role sharing of twenty conversations,
Conversation ability about the 20 lectures,
Fluent understanding of the videos representing the 20 lectures.

Main themes
- Lecture and practice of katakana
- Deepening of grammar patterns : Demonstrative pronouns and locating things, Counting things, persons, animals,
recipients etc
, de, ni, o, kara, made etc
, m-masu, masen, mashita, masen deshita and four forms in informal
- Gerund with modal forms, two uses of adjectives, -te, -tari, -te kara,
- Polite and plain stile
- - te kudasai, -nasai, -nakereba narimasen, -te wa ikemasen, -te mo ii desu ka, -ga ii desu, - masho ka.
- - toki, -aida, -nagara, - ta mama, - kute.
- - to iimasu, -to omoimasu, -y to iu , x.
- Comparative
- Suki, kirai desu, -tai desu, hoshii desu.
- Dekimasu, jozu, heta, tokui, nigate desu..., ...koto ga arimasu,
- Passive form
- Causative form
- Ageru, kureru,
- - desho, ka mo shiremasen, -ni chigaimasen,
- Spontanious forms,
- -te oku, -te iku, -te kuru, -te miru,-te shimau,
- Onomatopoeia
- -tara, -eba,
- Use of no , use of koto,
- - tokoro, -tame, -hodo, -tori, -tte,
- Wake, noni,
- Furi so desu, -rashii,
- - ga suru, o shite iru,
- Honorific forms.
Proficiency of conversation in following situations;
- Arriving in Japan
- Looking for an apartment
- Post telephone, office, appointments,
- First day at work,
- A day with a family,
- A trip to Nikko,
- A baseball game,
- Shjopping in Akihabara,
- An evening out, drionking and eating,
- A drive to Hakone,
- A construction site,
- A day off, Department store, Shrine festival,
- A day in the city
- A party
- Reminiscence of last night, Going to Nagasaki
- Chorus practice of Beethoven`s Ninth,
- House cleaning on New Year`s eve.
- Yan gets fever,
- Yan's broken heart,
- The aftereffect of Yan`s broken heart,
- Yan's broken heart travel,
- Cherry blossom viewing,
- Preparation to Yan`s departure from Japan,
- Farewell to Yan.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Attitude of the students after two years study.
- More motivation to continue the study of Japanese language and culture
- More openness to contact with Japanese society
- Better understanding of the specificities of Japanese society and thought

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences de gestion
(6 credits)
Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation orientales
(6 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures orientales (philologie et histoire orientales)
(6 credits)
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Master en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation "orientales"
(6 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures orientales (langue arabe et islamologie)
(6 credits)
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Troisième année d'études de bachelier en sciences informatiques
(6 credits)
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