By the end of the seminar, the student will have learned how to conduct research (specifically in view of presenting a doctoral thesis) and to communicate results in both written and oral form.
The student will have participated in contemporary philosophical debates in aesthetics.

Main themes
The theme of the seminar varies each year depending on the contemporary philosophical context and/or the research programmes under way at the Centre for Philosophical Aesthetics, and keeping in mind the interests and research of the participants. The seminar is meant to provide a framework for the work of DEA and doctoral students.

Content and teaching methods
The seminar will be a research seminar dealing with the latest phenomenological approaches to the questions raised by contemporary art. Critical presentations and discussion of several recent texts on this subject. One or two lectures by foreign specialists will be integrated into the seminar: the exact programme will be established along with seminar participants at the beginning of the academic year.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Depending on the subject and the texts dealt with, certain preliminary readings may be required. These will be specified each year.
As well as participating actively in discussion, each student will contribute to the seminar by giving a presentation at one of the meetings and by handing in a paper drawn from this presentation (this paper will take into account remarks, exchanges, and discussion stemming from the presentation).

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études approfondies en sciences appliquées
(4 credits)
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en philosophie et lettres (programme commun UCL/ULB/ULG) (esthétique et philosophie de l'art)
(4 credits)
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en philosophie et lettres (philosophie)
(4 credits)
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