By the end of the seminar, students should be able to write a essay demonstrating a capacity for personal, rigorous, and critical argument against the background of related readings.

Main themes
The seminar aims to give DEA and doctoral students the opportunity to actively participate in the discussions surrounding current research and to submit their own work to positive and rigorous criticism.
The seminar deals with epistemological questions in politics and normative theory as well as questions in social and economic ethics conducted in parallel
(a) by Marc Maesschalck in the framework of the Centre for Philosophy of Law ("Political Epistemology and Normative Theory"), and
(b) by Philippe Van Parijs in the framework of the Hoover Chair ("Questions in Social and Economic Ethics").

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Assessment :
Students are required to hand in a essay.
Supporting material :
For part (a): as well as the seminar meetings proper, pedagogical support and tutorials are offered to DEA students.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études approfondies en philosophie et lettres (philosophie)
(4 credits)
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