The aim of this optional course is to propose a deeper approach of pediatric surgical digestive pathology than the overall view given in the mandatory teaching of the general curriculum. Several topics will be much more detailed, including pediatric liver transplantation as well as the multidisciplinary approach of anorectal pathologies. The diagnostic approach will be integrated to other clinical aspects, including the categorization of clinical hypotheses, the planning of paraclinical investigations and the decisional algorithm leading to a surgical indication.

Main themes
1. Neonatal digestive surgical pathology, including intestinal obstruction and perforation in the neonate and the complications of prematurity on the digestive tract
2. Gastro-esophageal reflux in children, including its diagnostic and therapeutic approach in the children with cerebral palsy
3. Surgical pathology of the small bowel, including the issue of short bowel syndrome
4. Anorectal malformations, including the interdisciplinary approach throughout infancy, childhood and adolescence
5. Hirschsprung disease, including its embryology and physiopathology, surgical approach and management of long-term sequelae
6. Hepato-biliary pathology in children, including the diagnostic algorithm in neonatal cholestasis, the management of biliary atresia, of choledochal pseudocyst and biliary lithiasis in childhood.
7. Portal hypertension in children, including the principles of its medico-surgical approach.
8. Pediatric liver transplantation, including the discussion of its indications, technical modalities, immunosuppressive therapy and long-term follow-up.
9. Pediatric surgical oncology, including the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma and sacro-coccygeal teratoma.

Content and teaching methods
These optional lectures in pediatric digestive surgical pathology provide an overview on several specialized topics to be discussed in a small group seminar, with an evaluation mode allowing testing of the capacity of the student to mobilize his/her theoretical knowledge when confronted to clinical cases

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The courses will be given within a small group of 15-25 students; the evaluation will be organized around the discussion of a clinical case, to be prepared with the student's notes available and discussed within a short interview with the interrogator
