The objective is to acquaint students with the major problems in gastrointestinal disease
and familiarize them with approaches and techniques involved in treatment.

Main themes
The course will provide students with a deep understanding of the
pathophysiology and clinical aspects of gastroenterology. There will be an
emphasis on diagnosis and therapeutics, including exposure to
gastrointestinal procedures and management the syndromes and diseases most
frequently encountered in hepato-gastroenterology.
The course is organized in ten sessions of 90 minutes during which the
students have the possibility to intervene, ask questions and discuss the
proposed management.
The following topics will be covered: imaging of the gastrointestinal tract,
gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers, dyspepsia and functional digestive
disorders, chronic diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases,
choledocholithiasis, liver transplantation, new aspects of acute and chronic
pancreatitis, colorectal cancer
