-To specify, design, realise and exploit secure and reliable distributed systems.

Main themes
- Threads affecting the reliability and the security of computing systems, and in particular distributed systems
- Paradigms to improve the reliability of distributed systems and applications
- Basic knowledge of cryptography and applications to authentication and secret exchange of information
- Distributed management of secrets (passwords, secret keys, public keys)
- Identification of threads agains applications
- Models of definition of access rights : multilevel, multilateral, role-based models, ...
- Principles and properties of secure protocols such as ssh, IPSec, TLS and security techniques such firewalls and intrusion detection systems
- Definition of security policies
- Case study : E-commerce

Content and teaching methods
see "Main themes"

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
- Prerequisite :
(1) Ability to write computer programs
(2) Basic course on operating systems such as INGI2114
(3) Basic course on computer networking such as INGI2141
- References :
(1) Anderson, R. Security engineering, Wiley, 2001
(2) Kaufman C., Perlman, R., Speciner M. Network Security 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002
(3) Stallings, W. Cryptography & Network Security, Prentice Hall, 1999

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil informaticien
(4 credits)
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Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil informaticien
(4 credits)
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