The student will get into the spatial perception of the various components of the locomotor system and its nervous control.
This will lead to the understanding of specific mobility of the various anatomical structures. The student will then become able to bring together all the functional elements contributing to a motion.

Main themes
- Anatomical data of the locomotor system (osteology, arthrology, myology, neurology) in order to facilitate further learning in psychomotricity and reeducation.
- Joint motion analysis.
- Static (postures) and dynamic (sporting activities) analysis.
- Observation of anatomical pieces and palpation of their landmarks on the living being.

Content and teaching methods
Will be completed by the titular professor when the courses will be attributed

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requisite Essential systematic and functional anatomy and Mechanics and biomechanics
Evaluation Written evaluation
Support Anatomical pieces - atlases - CD-roms
Supervision Teachers and student assistants

Other credits in programs
Première année du diplôme d'études spécialisées en médecine du sport
(7 credits)
