In a framework of humanitarian emergences and aid operations, students will be able, in each of the modules examined, to:
- understand the global health interactions between peoples in crisis and their environment;
- evaluate and understand the operational emergencies relating to health;
- to understand the principles of planning intervention programmes, and the logistic implications in terms of health;
- evaluate the main elements of a population's state of health, and to propose an intervention plan;
- evaluate and criticise a practical situation, and to propose one or more intervention programmes in this situation (case study).

Main themes
The course will be divided into four modules:
1. water and sanitation ;
2. transmittable diseases;
3. nutrition;
4. structures of care and health plans.
Each of these modules will be addressed in the framework of an emergency health intervention.

Content and teaching methods
In each of the modules, different aspects of a health evaluation and health intervention will be tackled through professorial expositions (the general framework, field interventions by experts, theoretical and/or historical case studies, and analysis of real cases). work completed by small groups, and in discussion about them in full meetings.
There will be frequent audio-visual presentations.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
There are no special pre-requirements apart from "NOHA admissibility" (including a knowledge of English).
- Participation in the courses, and particularly in the exercises.
- The teacher will propose the study of a case, either alone or in small groups. A short written report (maximum of 10 pages) will present a critical analysis of the case.
- A list of reference books and articles + PowerPoint support.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en actions humanitaires internationales
(5 credits)
