Main themes
To offer HUMA 3DS students the concepts and methods needed to satisfactorily comprehend the health-related consequences of humanitarian crises, and to participate relevantly in the implementation of health programmes in settings of this kind.
This course will enable students to attend the "Health in aid operations" course because they will have all the pre-requirements.

Content and teaching methods
1. A study of the epidemiological concepts and methods against a backdrop of the organisation of health programmes dealing with humanitarian crises. A study and the use of relevant epidemiological tools in the context of the organisation of a health surveillance system, an evaluation of the effectiveness of medical interventions in humanitarian crisis situations, and an operational evaluation of health programmes.
2. A study of the relevant concepts and methods of public health (issues of the organisation of health programmes, community diagnosis, choosing priorities, defining objectives, health planning, the organisation and management of health programmes, and an assessment of, and follow-up to, programmes).
3. A study of some priority health problems in the context of humanitarian aid (controlling transmittable diseases, nutrition, decontamination, dealing with common diseases, and mental health).
A professorial course with directed reading and case studies.
The course will be run by a team of teachers including a epidemiologist, a public health doctor specialising in research into health systems, and one or more experienced clinicians.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
A written or an oral examination focusing on an analysis of a substantive and emergency health crisis situation.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en actions humanitaires internationales
(4 credits)
