At the end of the course, students should be able to show insight into the distinctive features of major literary movements and genres. They should be able to situate them in their socio-cultural and historical contexts. Students will become familiar with important literary figures and canonical works of the historical period that is studied. They will be expected to know how to read and interpret some key texts. This course requires the writing of a critical essay which will form a major element of the final evaluation.

Main themes
This course offers a chronological and critical survey of German literature from the 17th to the 21st century. It examines and illustrates the main literary movements and genres of this period and places them in their socio-cultural contexts.

Content and teaching methods
This course will interrogate the concept of " history of literature " : it will question its methodological and disciplinary foundations (with particular reference to German literature) and introduce students to the analysis of the literary phenomenon.
General survey of the history of German literature in the context of cultural, philosophical, political and social European productions ; description of the periodization from the Sturm und Drang to the contemporary period ; attempt at a synthesis of dominant productions in relation to the analysis of specific literary movements.
Lectures will use multimedia material and detailed analyses of literary excerpts representative of a variety of themes, registers, genres and periods. Students will read these excerpts prior to class and prepare the analysis in groups with a tutor. Tutorials (10 hours) will help students gain insights into these texts. Some lectures of the course will give students the opportunity to take active part in class discussion (open questions, comparisons) on the reading of literary excerpts.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite : methodological and critical tools covered in Literary Course A (BAC 1) and B (BAC 2)
Evaluation :
- 50% oral exam on the material covered in class
- 50 % evaluation of the Know-How based on :
(1) synopsis of a literary text of a specific period, personal commentary on a short article that deals with the literary text (oral exam);
(2) personal analysis of a literary excerpt ; in-class presentation ('Referat') and paper ('Hausarbeit').
Support : handouts, recordings and videos ;portfolio ; reference work : Volker Meid, Das Reclam-Buch der deutschen Literatur, Stuttgart: Reclam, 2004

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation germaniques
(4 credits)
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Année d'études préparatoires au master en langues et littératures modernes, orientation germanique
(4 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale
(4 credits)
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Année d'études préparatoires au master en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale
(4 credits)
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