By the end of the course, students will have mastered the organisation of geography and "geographic and social studies" courses in the later years of secondary education.They will have the capacity to design lessons, to oversee practical work, and to organise field work.They will be open to the multidisciplinary approach that governs the content and management of the "geographic and social studies" course.

Main themes
The first section of this course, which is complementary to the course in teaching methods in geography, formalises the organisation of the teaching of geography. On the one hand this involves designing a lesson or a sequence of lessons; on the other, it involves carrying out practical work in class (cartography, analysis of rocks, stratigraphy, demography, etc.). It is also necessary to learn a methodology for the direct and indirect observation of a landscape, using teaching tools and field work: for example, visits to towns, factories, and geological sites. Document searches also form part of the work related to this course.The second part is an introduction to the study of the social and economic aspects of situations/problems analysed in school, with a view to introducing geography students to the multidisciplinary approach of the "geographic and social studies" course.The approach taken in the course is an active one, whether in relation to document searches, the design of courses, the carrying out of practical work, or the improvement of observational techniques.The work is carried out in collaboration with secondary school teachers.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course is complementary to that in general teaching methods and should be followed in parallel with it.Obligatory course for teacher-training students taking the geographic sciences option.Prerequisite: geography teaching methods course.

Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (Géographie) (Géographie)
(2 credits)
