This course should give the students the opportunity to develop and to show their ability to analyse the education and formation policies relying on the teachings received during their FOPA studies.
It aims at reinforcing their ability to analyse these policies as the provisional result of possibly controversial interactions, between social groups, political actors, internal representatives of the field, external prescribers.

Main themes
Partly sustained by the teachings followed by the FOPA students, a theoretical analysis will be built, aiming at modelling the field of multiple interactions wherein occur political processes (in the narrow and wide senses) and educational processes (in the narrow and wide senses). A typology of the current education policies will then be produced, enlightened by the previously established modelling.

Content and teaching methods
The aim of the course is to settle the theoretical and methodological tools allowing to analyse an education or formation policy as the product of many interactions between actors from various fields (political, economical, social, cultural). In this view, the main changes in the educational field since 1975 should be analysed in terms of actors and stakes.
A special attention will be given to the cultural stake of adult formation, which has long been considered as a founding of the democratic demand, partly reframed today by the Lifelong Learning. Illustrations from the various fields of education and from adults formation : continuous education, specialized education, school field, etc.
Some examples will be taken outside Belgium, in order to test the limits of the model presented.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
It follows educational methods fitted for adults including the link between theory and practice, group work, formative assessment and steps of individual and group appropriation of the contents. Illustrations in various fields of adult formation.

Other credits in programs
Première année du Master en sciences de l'éducation, à finalité spécialisée
(7 credits)
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Deuxième année du Master en sciences de l'éducation, à finalité spécialisée
(7 credits)
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Troisième licence en sciences de l'éducation
(7 credits)
