- Analysis of each own practices in terms of management of human resources : to specify the significant elements, to draw the priorities and some action scheme.
- To diagnose the strong and the weak points in a management practice of human resources and the range of relevance of an action.
- To know and summon in situation the theoretical references of managements of human resources.

Main themes
Study of :
- various modelings of management of human resources;
- flows of personnel : recruitment, selection + formation + evaluation;
- systems of compensations;
- task analysis, skills, work system;
- systems of influence and of leadership.

Content and teaching methods
Management of a socio-educational institution : study of the functions of pilotage, maintenance, interface, symbolic, processes of homeostasis and of innovation inside the organisations; study of the organisational logics crossing and structuring the socio-educational institutions; evaluation of efficacy and equity.
Management of human resources : study of the main mechanisms of management of the teaching, educational and formation personnel ; integration of continuing education into the project of the institutions; principles and methods of management of the leading teams, of participative management and of quality management; management of workers and administrative personnel; management of the personnel according to the social laws (CE et CSHE, union officers, legal protections, social environment,...).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
It follows educational methods fitted for adults including the link between theory and practice, group work, formative assessment and steps of individual and group appropriation of the contents. Illustrations from the various fields of education and from adults formation : continuous education, specialized education, school field, etc.
Workshops on special themes will tackle some points related to the questions of the group in the form of case studies and role-playing (ex. : leadership, negotiation, time management...).
Prerequisite : course EDFO 2201 "Sociological Analysis of the socio-educational organisations".

Other credits in programs
Licence à durée réduite en sciences de l'éducation
(8 credits)
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Première année du Master en sciences de l'éducation, à finalité spécialisée
(8 credits)
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Première année du Master en sciences de l'éducation, à finalité spécialisée (gestion d'institutions socio-éducatives)
(8 credits)
Deuxième licence en sciences de l'éducation
(12 credits)
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