The student should acquire sufficient knowledge of virology to understand the principles of antiviral treatment and immunization.

Main themes
The course is divided in a first part devoted to general virology and a second part devoted to specific medical virology.
In the general virology some aspects of fundamental virology will be discussed to allow understanding of the course. In this same part different aspects of diagnosis, treatment and immunization will be presented.
In the specific medical virology part some individual viruses will be seen.
A priority is given to frequent viral infections for which a treatment exists such as hepatitis viruses, the AIDS virus and the herpes virus family. This list is not exhaustive and some less important viruses (e.g. hepatitis E, polyomaviruses) will be shortly dealt with.

Content and teaching methods
Lectures are given with the help of transparencies, copies of which are provided to the students. Lecture notes give the essential elements of the course. The course is divided in two parts as indicated higher.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: the course is intended for students of the second year of master studies in pharmacy and supposes a basic knowledge in biochemistry, histology and microbial genetics.
Evaluation: a written examination is performed at the end of this lecture. It is constituted of questions with short answers and multiple choice questions. The printed lecture notes are the reference.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année du grade de pharmacien
(1.5 credits)
