At the end ofhis or her formation in pharmaceuticallaw and deontology, the student has to be able to manage, on an everyday basis, the multiple legal and regulatory obligations of the pharmaceutical Art (management of the pharmacy, of the several registers: prescriptions, narcotic, psychotropic medicines and raw material, imported drugs, veterinary drugs, ... ). The pharmacist responsibility is the strictest defined by the law ("the excuse ofbeing mistaken or mislead is not allowed" by the law when pharmàcy is concemed, Art. 27 RA 31st May 1885; Supreme Court of Appeal18th June 1906, Pas. 1,315) and hence transforms the pharmacist into a watcher of the positive or negative action of the drug, up to after its delivery (= legislation). Holder of a liberal profession, with a high responsibility, the pharmacist must have a high quality comportment towards himself, towards the other health actors and towards the patients (information, advice, therapeutic continuity, liberty of choice). The pharmacist must insure a social and societal role comparing to his or her role as public health agent (= deontology).

Main themes
There are more than 600 law texts and basic rules touching to the world of pharmacy and to the pharmacist. From the access to the profession up to its different aspects (pharmacy in general, in hospital, in industry, clinical biology.. .), the course's goal is to sensitize the student to the fundamental texts and to communicate their spirit, in order to put the future pharmacist in front ofhis or her responsibilities.

Content and teaching methods
The professors teach and use audio-visual methods (slides, power point, flip chart, ...) to present the essential of the course. They document their classes by concrete examples taken from the professional world. The classes end by exchanges of questions/answers based on interrogations out of the students training period. The goal of the class is not a recognition based on memory but a recognition based on legal and deontological questioning of situations encountered in practice by reflex acquired during classes.
Those basic elements are dispensed under tree equivalent sensitisation poles: law definiti frame, pharmacy, implantation, pharmacovigilance, (post marketing survey) compounding, registration, marketing, information, deontology and society, !NAMI (Social Security System) , entrance into the profession.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
For the student, the ide al basic would be a good understanding oftext criticism, and oftb legal vocabulary.
The evaluation mode chosen by the student has for goal not to let a "le gaI risky" person
enter the profession. ln that goal, the three pol es are the object of a written ex am made oJ multiple choice questions and assays. After that, the student who do not reach 12, at eacb of the pole, or the students who would like to raise their grade, are re-examined orally by commenting their written ex am.
The syllabus is made of actualized notes as well as conference notes on the topic, given t the c1ass representative, for each pole. As far as deontology is concemed, in agreement with the Order of the Pharmacists, the students receive the "green book"(now in the futUJ the new "Deontology Code" entered in law the 31 th ofMarch 2005) during the c1ass,
instead of receiving it at their inscription. They receive in the same time, a CD Rom witb the major laws, the Law about Deontology and Order ofPharmacist and the Code. This ( Rom has a research tool to develop the possibilities for access to a lot of links. Rence the alreadv dispose of a reference tool during their training.
