The general objective is to support that " the learner is able to use concepts and methods in public health in an adequate way in his occupational practice". this objective is seen in teaching objectives for the learner and are :
- To define the concepts in public health;
- To know certain methods in public health;
- To apply certain methods of public health (in the fields of planning and evaluation).
These objectives should lead the student to acquire knowledge to start a critical and personal analysis on the concept of health, on health determinants, on the choice of priorities and the problem of the selection of relevant interventions in public health, on the stakes of the health car organization and health services for the individual and for the community.

Main themes
This course is a general introduction to public health and an introduction to other more specific courses. It should make it possible for the students to acquire the bases to a multidisciplinary approach in public health and to acquire certain knowledge necessary to the management of health systems in developing countries.
The course approaches the definition of public health and studies health problems in the community (distribution, dividing line, bonds with epidemiological measurements). In a participative way, certain concepts and methods in public health will be defined.
Four topics will be more specifically approached : the health determinants, a methodology of systemic planning, the importance of health behaviours and health promotion programs and the approaches to the evaluation of programs/projects in public health.
This course must make it possible to the students to approach the specialized courses of public health in planning and operational research.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The evaluation : there is a dispensatory exam (oral or writing) at the end of the modules (October or November). The explanations for this evaluation will be specified at the beginning of the course. The students can also choose to pass the exam during the exam session.
The evaluation is oral or written and will relate to the use of the methods and concepts approached during the course.
The support : there is no theoretical support to the course. Before each module, a specific support is available for the student and for the lecturer : support Power point, theorical support, papers, etc.
