1. To introduce the student into mediums which are different from that of teaching and where are practised physical and sporting activities. 2. To familiarize the student with the assumption of responsibility of physical and sporting activities in mediums different from that of teaching.

Main themes
- Seminars of organization and evaluation; - Four series of activities are to be realized in three different mediums. Those consist of an observation. - the accessible mediums are: - early childhood; - sporting clubs; - activity of leisure; - seniors; - work environment; - fitness...

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Coordination with the courses of methodology of physical education and didactic exercises of aggregation. In total time volume (30h), 4 series of 6h are planned for the activities on the ground and 6h for the evaluation.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en éducation physique
(1 credits)
