The students will be able to perform some basic gymnastic and acrobatic skills; they will develop their strength, flexibility, spatial orientation and motor coordination.

Main themes
Major topics of part A :
1. Physical preparation (strength and flexibility) : muscular actions at the pelvic and schoulder girdles;
2. Technical preparation :
- major body positions : layout, arch, hollow, inverted and tuck positions.
- specific movement patterns on gymnastic and acrobatic apparatus : jumping (on feet and hands), landing, balancing, forward and backward tumbling, twisting, moving on the hands and swinging.
Major topics of part B :
- gymnastic and acrobatic movement patterns on different apparati in gradually more complex situations : higher, more aerial, greater execution speed
- learning of basic gymnastic and acrobatic skills (combinations of movements patterns and body positions)

Content and teaching methods
Will be completed by the titular professor when the courses will be attributed

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-necessary Continuous and/or final Evaluation for the part practises with possibility of interrogation and/or a final examination to check the acquisition of knowledge associated with the practice. Support File of course Framing Holder, advisers technical and/or assistants possibly helped by students monitors.

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences de la motricité
(2 credits)
