At the end of this educational module, the student will have improved his corporal schema; he will have optimally developed his strength, flexibility and stamina skills in order to facilitate his learning in several sports disciplines during his formation. He will have been aware of the transversal and progressive nature of these skills. Finally, he will have acquired some autonomy in the management of his own condition.

Main themes
Firstly, the basic skills (strength, flexibility, stamina) will be individually evaluated. The tests used will be easy and will allow auto-evaluation by the students.
Secondly, these skills will be developed through specific and varied activities. The development of strength and muscular stamina will be made among others on machines specifically engineered for body building. Quality of execution (position, breathing, rhythm) will be underlined when strength and flexibility will be developed. This qualitative aspect of work will allow the development of the corporal schema of the student and will be taken into account in the evaluation.

Content and teaching methods
Will be completed by the titular professor when the courses will be attributed

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation Continuous and/or final for the practical part with a possible questioning and/or final examination in order to verify the acquisition of the knowledge associated with practice.Quantitative evaluation for stamina, strength and flexibility and qualitative evaluation for strength and flexibility.
Support Class file
Supervision Titular professor(s), technical adviser(s) and/or assistant(s) possibly helped by monitor students

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences de la motricité
(3 credits)
