The objective of this seminar is to give students the opportunity to reflect on and discuss the methods and methodological issues involved in Criminology research and to put these methods into practice. The course examines the different methodological options available for analyzing the DEA students' own research questions, and considers the consequences of choosing one or other of these options for findings in Criminology. Students should see that between the two extremes of questions to which it is impossible to find answers and the apparent truth of institutional data, there are other ways of achieving possible and critical knowledge.

Content and teaching methods
Summary : contents and methods
The approach will be inductive, with students, seminar leaders and dissertation supervisors collaboratively constructing the course contents. The seminar will be based on the research questions raised by the students' own research and dissertation work. In conjunction, various recurring methodological and theoretical issues will be tackled, again within the inductive approach on which the course is based.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études approfondies en criminologie
(2.5 credits)
