To understand how and why the different forms of psychopathology are likely to take part in the production of various kinds of delinquency and deviance.

Main themes
The first part of the course covers general aspects and deals inter alia with:
responsibility and irresponsibility;
neurosis, psychosis, psychopathic personality, perversion and criminality.
The second part of the course consists of the study of certain forms of criminality whose relations with abnormal psychology must be examined, such as:
drug addiction
sexual crimes
homicide, parricide, infanticide, crimes of passion
compulsive theft, arson, etc.

Content and teaching methods
To specify what we understand by Psychopathology, which are the clinical and theoretical requirements of the discipline and the consequences of its step in the debate with law disciplines, including questions about responsibility and culpability.
To study various psychopathological dimensions and to look into the following items : the diversity of forms and figures according to these dimensions; which fields of human existence are likely to be "pathologised", which dynamical processes are under these productions of forms and figures, why they are likely to produce criminal behaviours (delinquency as well as deviance).
Research fields are : disorders of "contact" and attachment, inversions and sexual perversions, neurotics conflicts and psychotics impairing.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation : oral examination

Other credits in programs
Première année du master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée
(3 credits)
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Deuxième licence en criminologie
(3 credits)
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Deuxième année du master en criminologie, à finalité spécialisée
(3 credits)
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