The course offers an analysis of the phenomenon of integration in the European Union.
Various policies pursued by the European Union are analysed in regard of their current developments. At this occasion, a special attention is dedicated to the harmonisation of laws, especially in the field of private law.
The course offers a solid supplement for those who whish to have a better knowledge of European substantive law. Links between the different fields of European substantive law will be highlighted, in order to provide the students with a general picture of European substantive law.
The course also aims at providing the students with tools for a critical approach of the phenomenon of integration. Current issues concerning the harmonisation of law are analysed with the support of a broader theoretical framework. Personal opinions and reasoning are favoured.

Main themes
The course is divided in two part.
The first part is dedicated to the analysis of the concept and methods of integration: the concept, the aims, the limits imposed by the Treaty, the tools offered by the Treaty, the links with the harmonisation of laws and the specific forms of harmonisation are analysed in regard of practical examples.
The second part is dedicated to specific issues linked to the harmonisation of laws. The first chapter analyses the project for a directive on services in the internal market. Links are made with social policy and the issue of regulatory competition. The second chapter focuses on the issue of a European civil code: it is introduced by a deep study of the directive on products liability and an assessment of the current achievements in the field of private law. Consumer law is thus paid a great deal of attention. European projects in the field of contract law are considered in regard of other attempts of harmonisation such as the Unidroit, or Lando principles.
