Building on what has been taught in the 1st and 2nd degrees about the policies of the Communities and Regions in Federal Belgium, the present course discusses the similarities and divergences of the Law of the Communities and Regions within the Belgian Federal State.

Main themes
Every year the lecturer chooses fundamental issues illustrating the diversity of community and regional policies from an interdisciplinary perspective. Subjects such as environmental policy, social aid and housing policy, are discussed in a comparative way with reference to Belgium, together with an analysis of relevant case law from the Court of Cassation, the Constitutional Court and the Council of State Methodology.
The course is supported by a case book of legislation, doctrine and case law, and a similar book in Dutch. Active pedagogic techniques are used as much as possible, including discussions with students.

Content and teaching methods
Comparative federalism: analysis of the principles, organisation and functioning of federal state structures. Theoretical analysis of the federal state; personal and territorial federalism; division and definition of legislative powers; treaty-making powers of communities and regions; fiscal federalism; cooperation; symmetrical and asymmetrical structures; representation of the Communities and Regions at the federal level; constitutional supremacy; constitutional courts.
Oral presentation in Dutch; discussion of case law of the Court of Arbitration and constitutional courts of other federations.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Written examination in Dutch.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en droit
(4.5 credits)
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