1. Objectives proper to juridical course content :
acquisition of indispensable knowledge (for example, schemas of reasoning) ;
- analysis of texts (constitution, treaties, laws) and intelligent use of documentation ;
- rigorous specific of decrees ;
- written expression, oral expression.
2. Objectives proper to interdisciplinary juridical course content :
- transversal approach to law and research of the balances and values underlying normative jurisprudential production ;
- awareness of the relativity of solutions procured by law and their production within a creative process based on exchange and confrontation ;
- generalist approach to law; interdisciplinary introduction ; development of an " extra-disciplinary eye ".
3. Objectives proper to a course with an active pedagogical approach :
active participation, investment in the course;
- solidarity, sense of listening and respect in a process of exchange and confrontation, team work and spirit ;
- creativity, critical and personal reflection;
- curiosity, a taste of research and extension of learning (learning how to learn) :
- personal development, autonomy and sense of responsibility.
