* To understand the place and role of Islamic law in the life and practice of the various Moslem communities and schools.
* To help the student acquire a special method in such a way that, when confronted by a question with an Islamic dimension, he has the means to orientate himself and work out the possible solutions to be envisaged within the various different contexts, especially in Europe.

Main themes
The first part of the course is aimed at a brief reflection on the history, nature, methods and main categories of Islamic law, including some notions on the history of its sources.
The second part introduces the students to the adaptation procedures
of Moslem law to the modern world and to the question of the adaptation of Moslem law within Europe, with its special developments in family law and economic law and their organisational rules within the communities.
The third part introduces the juridical systems chosen by contemporary Moslem countries, as well as their recent evolution.
