This course, which ensures a basic training course in law as regards the individual and the family, meets a two-fold objective as follows:
- to initiate the student into the understanding of the main problems posed by the considerable evolutions to Western society which affect the status of the individual human being and family and emotional relationships and which, in the same way, make him reflect upon the juridical responses which are or may be given to these problems in Belgium or in Europe and which deliberately take the socio-political stakes of these responses into account ;
- to allow the student to get familiar with and assimilate the rules of positive Belgian law in the principal subjects of the individual and family law, including the law on marriage regimes, but excluding succession laws and liberalities which are the subject of a separate law master programme.

Main themes
This course will look at the following domains:
1) An introduction to the anthropological, social and cultural evolutions which modify the family and family law.
2) The juridical status of the human individual and especially the existence of personality, civil rights, personality rights and the incapacity regime.
3) The juridical status of couples : the juridical regime of marriage, including matrimonal regimes and the juridical regime of non married couples.
4) Filiation and parental laws and the juridical status of children.
5) Juridical relations within extended families.
Lectures which may, if necessary, be completed, depending on course needs by other pedagogical methods. The syllabus must be provided at the beginning of the course semester, as from the second year of the nomination of the lecturer.
12 hours of compulsory practical exercises to help the student develop a practical approach to the subject. The sessions are prepared by the student whose course input is evaluated by the assistant. The course lecturer will, in agreement with the president of the department, be attentive to the coherence and adequation between the practical exercises and the lectures, including what concerns the evaluation.
* The practical exercises are not accessible to students doing the minor in Law.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en droit
(5 credits)
