The principal objective of these supervised projects is to enable the student to complete and extend, by means of a piece of research, one of the subjects taught during the lectures. These supervised tasks constitute a pedagogical formula apt to validate the student's work, especially with regard to his research capacities and his spirit of criticism, the originality of his thinking and his ability to formulate with rigour and elegance. They represent, to some extent, a form of " savoir-faire " learning that will later be applied in the context of the thesis.

Main themes
This piece of individual work relates to a particular problem linked to one of the obligatory juridical courses of the second and third years of the Bachelor programme in Law. Collective meetings are organised at the beginning of the year to present the objective of the piece of work and to dispense methodological advice. More meetings will be held at the end of the year, in order to facilitate discsussions on the topics covered, with an oral presentation of the conclusions. However, the pedagogical originality lies mainly in the organisation of regular individual meetings, which should foster an ongoing personalised relationship between the student and the assistant. During the course of these, the assistant will pass on his comments to the student and formulate suggestions and advice, all the while setting aside time for the student's personal reflection. The latter must take care to make correct use of the language and its written form.
The written piece of work comprises between fifteen and twenty five pages. Participation in the collective and individual meetings is compulsory.
To follow or have followed the lecture corresponding to the subject worked on.
The marks mainly relate to the written piece of work (form and content). They also take into consideration the collective meetings and individual meetings and the quality of the oral presentation.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en droit
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