Main themes
The human rights dealt with are: the right to liberty and security of the person; the right to access to a court for some categories of disputes; the right to a fair trial and to judgement entered within a reasonable time limit; the presumption of innocence; the principle of non-retroactivity of criminal laws; the right of efficient petition for any violation of a fundamental right granted or, in some cases, a double degree of jurisdiction (1st Instance + Appeal).
The importance of these guarantees, from a statistical point of view (especially disputes taken to the inspection bodies of the European Convention of Human Rights) largely accounts for the fact that they form the subject of a separate course.

Content and teaching methods
The course deals specially with the procedural guarantees enjoyed by the individual under the various international human rights protection treaties, which appear to be necessary for an efficient protection of the substantial rights granted. An analysis of Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights covers the human rights matters.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en droit international et européen (Droit européen)
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