The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the procedures and principles involved in solving civil liability problems from the occurrence of the prejudicial event to the act of compensation.

Main themes
In the first part, the course focuses on the analysis of developments and changes in the law of civil liability since the introduction of the Civil Code. It examines the way in which the law has met requirements regarding compensation in the event of a claim or an accident. A subsequent part of the course deals with the different compensation procedures and their practical application.

Content and teaching methods
The advanced civil liability course is a continuation of the part of the general course on the law of obligations taught in the third year. The course is an opportunity to examine recent changes in the law on civil liability. From the position of liability based on proven civil wrong, there is a change towards liability based on a victim's right to compensation. In order to illustrate this change, several topics are examined according to case studies by grouping together, as the case may be, basic texts, a number of doctrinal articles and judicial precedents. Each case is based on a specific topic chosen for its current interest or for its originality with regard to regulations on common law (civil liability concerning the environment, products and medical aspects as well as compensation for victims of road accidents). The course involves active participation in the analysis of case studies. An oral exam is held which is based on the course contents . Furthermore, each student is required to study in detail one of the cases on the programme and to demonstrate a thorough and critical appreciation of this case.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course content taught in the third year within the framework of the law of obligations constitutes the course entry requirement insofar as the full study programme is not taught again. The exam is divided into a written part involving the solution of a practical case study (the evaluation of a study in compensation), and an oral part which is designed to test the student's knowledge of the subjects taught.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en droit économique et des assurances (droit et économie des assurances)
