The aim of the course is to provide students with a first introduction to the doctrine of law and economics. The course basically consists of an analysis of the role and relevance of economic factors in the creation and implementation of rules of law in a (free) market economy.

Main themes
General introduction to law and economics.
Implementation and application of the principles of law and economics in civil law systems.

Content and teaching methods
General introduction to law and economics :
- general introduction
- key concepts and approach
- analysis and critical review of the approach, in particular from the perspective of civil law systems.
Implementation and application of the principles of law and economics in civil law systems :
- law of contracts
- company law, corporate governance
- intellectual property
- competition law
- contractual and non-contractual (torts) liability
- criminal law.
Law and economics and European integration.
Teaching methods
Eight to ten lectures of 3-4 hours each. General lecture, with practical examples and critical discussion and analysis with and by the students. Where practicable, case study and presentation by students, followed by a global discussion within the group.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Written and oral examination at the end of the course. Written examination (1 hour) on the main principles and aims of law and economics. Oral examination (3/4 hour) on a case involving issues of law and economics.
Recommended reading
In particular, selected sections of
Schäfer/Ott, Lehrbuch der ökonomischen Analyse des Zivilrechts, 3rd ed., 2000
Cooter/Ulen, Law and Economics, 3rd edition, 1999
Ogus/Faure, Economie du droit - le cas français, 2002

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en droit économique et des assurances (droit économique)
(4.5 credits)
