The objective of the seminar is to direct the students to an in-depth reflection on certain themes from business law, for which the theoretical foundations were taught previously at degree level. The seminar theme changes each year. It is sufficiently varied to enable it to be split into fifteen subjects, closely linked by a common series of problems.

Main themes
The benefits of this method for the student are two-fold: leading to an oral presentation during the year of their research on a theme assigned to them, and the submission of a written piece of work in which the student can, at the same time, set out and synthesise the problems of their subject and put to use the discussions and debates that will have followed not only their own presentation but also those of other seminar participants. The seminar sessions start at the beginning of the academic year. Naturally, the first presentations do not take place until the second semester. In the first semester, different themes are analysed by each student. However, at regular intervals each student reports on the progress of their research including the topics and difficulties encountered. This group research is therefore carried out in such a way as to ensure coordination of the different assignments. During the first semester, some seminar sessions are also dedicated to hearing specialist presentations on a subject closely linked to the seminar theme. The specialist may be a member of the Faculty, or a guest speaker from outside the establishment. The performance of seminar students is assessed according to their work throughout the year, their active participation in assignments and debates, the quality of the oral presentation and the written work submitted at the end of the year.

Content and teaching methods
Theme: Recent developments in European financial law (2004-2006)
The seminar will be devoted to recent European legislation concerning financial law, and notably the implementation of the Lamfallussyi report on the legislative technique in financial law, the directives of 28 January 2003 on market abuses, of 4 November 2003 on the prospectus, the coordinated directive of 28 May 2001 (dealing in particular with the admission of a value quoted on an official market), the directives of 21 January 2002 on collective investment bodies in transferable securities, the proposals in the thirteenth directive (in company law) on takeover bids, and the regulations of 19 July 2002 on consolidated accounts of quoted companies.
The analysis focuses on texts, the requirements they meet, their evolution and application in a given member state. Previous texts may also be available for study (for example, the publications of large holdings in quoted companies) and compared with the current financial market situation.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The Faculty thought it would be useful to define the course in a broad manner , as an interdisciplinary seminar on business law. The tutor will announce the specific theme of business law to be studied during the academic year after consultation with students.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en droit
(9 credits)
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