Bearing in mind certain characteristics proper to the subject (volume of material, highly technical nature and incessant text modifications), the course is conceived in the form of a wide introduction to labour law and social security law.

Main themes
The first part of the course is aimed at the study of labour law. It is, in itself, divided into two headings. The first is dedicated to the laws linked to individual work relations (notion, training, execution, suspension and breaking of work contract ; labour reglementation). The second is dedicated to the laws on collective work relations (professional organisations; collective conventions and work regulations ;concertation and negotiation bodies; collective work conflicts).The second part of the course is aimed at the study of social security. This is, in itself, also divided into two headings. The first is consecrated to the study of the structures of the principal regimes of the social security system (for employees and free-lancers). In each case, the principles relating to determining their field of application, their mode of financing and their administrative organisation are analysed.The second is consecrated to certain social security services. Those looked at may vary from one year to another. Priority is nevertheless given to matters concerning accidents at work, given the special practical interest that this presents for law students.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (santé au travail - toxicologie industrielle)
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