The course will relate to the whole of the commercial law and will approach mainly the following fields:
- history and evolution of the commercial law (characters and specificities of the modern - - - - commercial law, from the tradesmen to the companies);
- institutional aspects (in particular specialized jurisdictions, official and arbitration jurisdictions);
- the commercial profession;
- company law;
- financial law and banking law;
- procedures of liquidation and bankruptcy;
- competition law and practices of the trade.
The concepts, institutions and rules of the commercial law will be always presented from a historical, economic, comparative and European point of view. Certain topics will be the subject of a deepening, either because of their practical interest, or because of their theoretical interest for the bases and the comprehension of the matter of the commercial law.

Main themes
The concepts, institutions and rules of the commercial law will be presented from the point of view which will cover the historical, economic, national, comparative and European aspects.
The lesson will approach the following matters: the commercial profession, commercial contracts, company law, associations and companies, financial law and bank law, procedures of liquidation and bankruptcy, competition law, practices of the trade.

Content and teaching methods
The lecture will relate to the commercial law in the broad sense and will be supplemented by personal readings and practical work. The students will put concepts in practice and will familiarize themselves with situations with which the professional of the law is regularly confronted within the framework of his/her activities.
