By the end of the teaching programme, the students should be able to:
- understand how the basic patterns of the embryo and of the fetal organs are laid down particularly in the cranial region, together with the mechanisms leading to teratogenesis;
- describe the cervicocephalic structures, their function and their topographical relationships, excluding neuroanatomy which is taught together with neurophysiology during the lectures of neurosciences;
- demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the relevant pathologic consequences secondary to damage of anatomical structure.

Main themes
The aim of the teaching programme is to:
- provide the dental students with gross and developmental anatomy of the cervicocephalic region necessary for the dental practice;
- emphasize the cervicocephalic topographical relationships essential in adequate interpretation of pathology for dental practitioners.

Content and teaching methods
Embryology deals with the study of human development from fertilization to the end of the first three gestational weeks followed by the topics believed to be more directly useful to the dental students.
Cervicocephalic anatomy involves the description of bones, joints, vessels, oral cavity, salivary glands, pharynx, nasal cavities, larynx and of the mechanisms implicated in the modifications of craniofacial morphology throughout life.
For each topic: introduction by a selected clinical example, specific approach of the topic by analysis of anatomic preparations and medical imaging integrated in PowerPoint documents, thereafter, classic teaching procedure (drawings on the blackboard) and finally, if appropriate, feedback to clinical cases. During the practical, the teamwork allows to memorize easier and to progress in understanding and of subject specific knowledge.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: communicate clearly and fluently in both spoken and written French; be able to visualize the structures having a three-dimensional space perception; be competent in the field of systemic anatomy (excluding head and neck anatomy) and of general biology.
Assessment during the year: assessment two weeks after the practical session of osteology.
Aspects of the assessment process: oral examinations with written preparation to evaluate the attainment of the stated objectives to attain: describe anatomical structures and their topographical relationships; comment the origin, the course and the distribution of vessels or nerves, as well as actions, nerve and blood supply of the muscles;
Supports: syllabus, drawings made during the lectures on the blackboard, complementary notes with drawings, photographs, legends of the more complicated topographical drawings, instructions for practical and examinations and finally, documents, illustrations and links on the net (iCampus).

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences dentaires
(4 credits)
