The theoretical course will allow the student:
- to familiarize himself with the various disciplines of dental medicine and to learn the basic terminology required to carry out the passive clinical training course,
- to acquire the basics essential to the critical reading of scientific publications.
The passive clinical training course allows a first contact with the patients and illustrates the theoretical courses.
Main topics to be approached
- Introduction to the various disciplines of dental medicine and their terminology
- Evidence based dentistry with initiation to medical statistics and epidemiology
Two weeks of presence in the hospital: assistance of the undergraduate, postgraduate students and teachers

Main themes
Introduction to dental medicine and its disciplines
Evidense based dentistry: object, interest, application.
Tools for the consultation of the medical literature (scientific journals, books, Web).
Elements of medical statistics with examples suited to dental medicine.
Critical reading of dental scientific articles.
Epidemiology: general information and applications in dental medicine.
Two weeks of presence in the hospital: assistance of the undergraduate, postgraduate students and teachers

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Theory : critical reading of scientific articles to present to a jury of 2 teachers.
Practical : Report of training course to present to the same jury

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences dentaires
(3 credits)
