An introduction to the concepts, and to the general issue, of inequalities.
An understanding of ways of measuring and comparing social inequalities in terms of demographic behaviour.

Main themes
- Inequalities and poverty in an explanation of socio-demographic phenomena.
- A definition of concepts of inequality and its derivatives (e.g. disparity, differentials and inequity).
- Defining and measuring poverty at an individual and collective level.
- Presentation of measurements of inequalities and methods of comparison in time and space (e.g. absolute and relative disparities, and indices of concentration).
- An analysis of the decomposition of disparities measured at the level of regions and sub-populations.

Content and teaching methods
The course will mainly consist of lectures accompanied by some reading.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requirement: Basic training in descriptive statistics.
Assessment: This will be in the form of lectures and applied work.
There will also be a document setting out teaching methodology.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études approfondies en démographie
(2 credits)
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Diplôme d'études spécialisées en populations et sociétés
(2 credits)
