A command of the basic tools of micro-informatics: text processing, spreadsheets, the Internet, and statistical software.

Main themes
Introduction to Windows
Text processing (Word)
Spreadsheets (Excel)
The Internet and its resources: electronic mail and the WWW
Introduction to the use of statistical software (SPSS or SAS) on a PC

Content and teaching methods
As the main objective of this course is to provide all students with a basic understanding of informatics tools, it will be mainly based on manipulations in the IT suite. The examples and exercises used will enable students to get going on different kinds of work with the assistance of a computer. To guide students towards independence, care will also be taken to introduce them to self-learning via the use of aids.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requirements: Applied seminars in the IT suite directed towards the acquisition of "know-how".
Assessment: This will take the form of applied work related to Courses DEMO 3480 and SPED 3245.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en populations et sociétés
(2 credits)
