The objectives are to provide to students the necessary legal pre-requisites for new venture creation and management

Main themes
- Creation of a firm - interest - forms - formalities - consequences
- Incidence of a marriage contract on firm creation
- Access to profession
- Public aides
- Personnel status - implications
- Legal selling techniques
- Contracts
- Fiscal status
- Insurance
- European law

Content and teaching methods
- Creation of a firm - interest - forms - formalities - consequences
- Incidence of a marriage contract on firm creation
- Access to profession
- Public aides
- Personnel status - implications
- Legal selling techniques
- Contracts
- Fiscal status
- Insurance
- European law

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The method will be based on traditional teaching and students' participation :
- selected readings will be discussed in class
- practical verification
