As a complement to the general organic chemistry, the applied course underlines the industrial point of view in organic synthesis. By this approach, the student will discover organic chemistry in a new context. He will recognize at the same time the relative importance of reactions as well as economic and ecologic criteria.

Main themes
Synthesis and transformation of monomers will be treated; industrial solvent reactivities in carbo- and petrochemistry, organic chemistry techniques of fluorine and silicon as well as halohydrocarbons will be discussed.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: mean knowledge of general, organic and inorganic chemistry.
Evaluation: written examination (about 3 h).
Main support: book- K. Weissermel, H.J. Arpe "Industrial Organic Chemistry", 2nd revised and extended edition, (Wiley)-VCH, ISBN 0-89573-861-9.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences chimiques
(2 credits)
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