The activity has several aims:
- To learn how to analyze scientific information available on a subject and criticize the validity of this information
- Integrate scientific knowledge on an interdisciplinary subject,
- Learn data-processing tools for information retrieval and public presentation, To exert oral and written communication of scientific matters,
- To learn how to effectively work as a team.

Main themes
The student will be associated to a team charged to explore a broad scientific question, at the crossroads of disciplines appearing in his programme (animal and vegetal biology, ecology, chemistry,..). Each team will formulate assumptions, and after a training in information retrieval, will serach for document allowing to confirm/infirm these assumptions. Once these assumptions validated, students, by group of two, will explore current scientific knowledge underlying each assumption. Regular interviews with one of the teachers will allow the team to confront their work with the aims. Exercises of critical analysis of a scientific question, as well as of written and oral presentation will be organized. At the end of the first four-month period, each team will write a report on its work. The second four-month period will allow each team deepening the analysis of the question which will be the subject of an oral presentation.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The evaluation will consider both written and oral presentations.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences biologiques
(4 credits)
