By the end of the course, students will be able to reflect critically on their practical internship experience in connection with the theories developed during general and discipline specific didactics courses.

Main themes
The seminar is a privileged point of interface allowing students to: - compare their mutual experiences and take a critical distance from the practical observations and projects carried out during their internships; - analyse the pedagogical practices observed and/or put into practice during their observation and teaching internships; - develop the use of conceptual reference and analysis frameworks in order to take a fresh approach to their teaching practices, thus improving their effectiveness; - acquire a method of analysis for the pedagogical situations experienced in view of transposing it onto future practices. The themes analysed during the seminar deal with the questions most often raised by the students in their practical teaching experience. The approach to these different problems is inductive and collective.

Content and teaching methods
The seminar is a privileged point of interface allowing students to: - compare their mutual experiences and take a critical distance from the practical observations and projects carried out during their internships; - analyse the pedagogical practices observed and/or put into practice during their observation and teaching internships; - develop the use of conceptual reference and analysis frameworks in order to take a fresh approach to their teaching practices, thus improving their effectiveness; - acquire a method of analysis for the pedagogical situations experienced in view of transposing it onto future practices.
The themes analysed during the seminar deal with the questions most often raised by the students in their practical teaching experience. The approach to these different problems is inductive and collective. Questions specific to each field will be addressed in seminar meetings organized by the didactics lecturer from each field. Some questions cutting across all fields will be dealt with by the education psychologist during meetings that may bring together several agrégation groups and be approached in a multidisciplinary manner. Seminars are organized in groups of 20 students.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The seminar is organized in alternation with the internships and presupposes attendance at general and field-specific didactic courses. The two lecturers will consult with the internship director in order to ensure (the smooth-functioning of) this alternation.
Assessment will partially be based on seminar participation and a written report. Criteria for the final exam will be clearly defined by each lecturer and made explicit for the students.
Course Materials
Course notes and reading folder
Course Holder/Supervision
The seminar is held in common by the field-specific didactics lecturer and the education psychologist in charge of the general didactics course: each will teach 15 hours of the seminar. Teaching coordination is the responsibility of the field-specific didactics lecturer; interaction with the teaching team is hoped for and will be carried out as far as possible. The seminar also makes recourse to the pedagogical collaboration of practitioners in the field.

Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (histoire de l'art, archéologie et musicologie)
(2 credits)
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