To establish a nuanced outline of the development of architecture (religious and secular) in Belgium, between the Merovingian period and the Low Middle Ages.
Students will acquire a basic knowledge of the evolution of architecture during the Middle Ages on the Belgian territory and its surrounding territories. They will learn how to identify and analyse the type, trend, and date of a building; they will consult reference works

Main themes
To reconstitute the fundamental sequences of building on the scale and in the context specific to our Medieval provinces. To look for "bridges" with other artistic disciplines and to underline concordant aspects.
Necessary adaptations to the geo-physical framework and critical observations on "discordances" or analogies.
Illustrated lectures. Recommended readings. On site visits will be organized.

Content and teaching methods
Historical conditions of the successive phases and in-depth description of our countries architectural monuments from the Early Middle Ages, around 1500. Detailed examples, in the Belgian context with the required regional nuances, of the trends that swept architectural life in the Medieval West (see ARKE 1380). One chapter is devoted to religious architecture. One chapter deals specifically with the category of castles and with defensive architecture. Another chapter addresses civil buildings: rural and urban, private and public.
Illustrated lectures. Recommended readings.
As concerns the tutorial, students will study a building and give an oral and/or written presentation on a given theme (monographs, urban walls, abbeys, etc).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requisites: introductory course: ARKE 1380 in particular
Assessment: Oral presentation during tutorial and written summary to be handed in. Oral examination on the basis of questions and images/pictures.
Course Materials: Tutorial/Individual assignments. Slides.
Course Supervision: Lecturers: Ph. Bragard and L. Verslype. Assistant: L. Delehouzée.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(6 credits)
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Deuxième licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(6 credits)
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Master en histoire de l'art et archéologie, orientation générale
(6 credits)
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Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3.5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3.5 credits)
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