Even divided into two separate courses covering distinct periods, the imparted timetable to the study of the archaeology of the Middle East is insufficient to cover a topic as vast and a period as long as the programme of a specialized course requires. The chosen solution, the solution of " special questions " - according to an old tradition in the department- allows us to get to the bottom of the issues of a limited region and period, extended by making comparisons. From one year to another, the subjects are chosen regarding to their distance in time and space, in order to stock the fundamental knowledge of the students during two following academic years : from Asia Minor till Iran, from the Middle East coast till Mesopotamia or Syria.

Main themes
Special questions of archaeology of ancient Asia Anterior (or the " Middle East "), from Anatolia till historical Iran passing by the coast areas of the Middle East, Syria and Mesopotamia, but excluding Palestine, that will be the subject of a specific course. Some time ago an agreement between lectors reserved the course ORI 2130 to the Mesopotamian archaeology (archaeology and history of the Middle East, cancelled).
The course proceeds with the treatment of two annual topics, respectively 30 hrs and 15 hrs, chosen regarding to their historical or methodological implications or to illustrate the archaeological reality; they are often centred on one site or a category of documents, and associated in order to cover different areas from one year to another (the complete " cycle " of topics covers 5 or 6 years).
ARKE 2160 (30 hrs) is mainly interested in the most ancient period (end 3rd mill-half 1st mill. Before J.C.), the period of the civilizations called " from the cuneiform " (as for instance the sites of Tell Mardokh, Alaca Höyük, Byblos, Karkemish, Midas Shehri...); ARKE 2160 A treats the sites and monuments from the period of the conquests of Alexandra till the Sassanide expansion included, allowing an important place to the civilizations born on the brink of Hellenism and the Roman Empire (Nabatean Kingdom, Hatra, Doura-Europos...).

Content and teaching methods
B) The Hellenised Near East
Contents: The Near and Middle East after Alexander the Great's conquest: traditions and developments, particular and common, in urban and palatial dwelling, in the organisation and shapes of temples, in community life, in religious and profane iconography, and in the minor arts.
Main archaeological sites, their context and the discoveries: -Antioch and its influence, -Graeco-Bactrian art; -Hatra, Dura Europos and the Parthians, -Commagene and the Graeco-Persian art of Asia Minor; -Palmyra; -Southern Syria, Petra and the Nabatean area (30h).
Seminars (15h) cover on-going research concerning, in particular, Palestine and the Dead Sea area in Hellenistic and Roman times around the turn of the era as to their socio-economic, technological and artistic development.
Lectures bring out the links between the different ancient civilisations in the area and underline the pagan sources of Christianism and its arts. Ample graphic documentation, bibliographies, chronologies and such are provided.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The seminars will be more casually interactive with occasional guest talkers, and students contributing towards the gathering of textual and iconographic data in relation with specific course topics. Assessment will be by oral examination.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(4 credits)
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Deuxième licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(4 credits)
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Master en histoire de l'art et archéologie, orientation générale
(4 credits)
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Deuxième licence en langues et littératures orientales (philologie et histoire orientales)
(4 credits)
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Master en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation "orientales"
(6 credits)
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Master en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation "orientales" (option études orientales)
(6 credits)
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