Reading comprehension
- Cfr BAC 2
- B2 level of the " Common European Framework ".(CEF)
Listening comprehension
. Individual : Cfr BAC 2
. Interactive : Cfr BAC 2
. B2 level of the " Common European Framework ".(CEF)
Speaking skills
. Individual :
- Well-structured presentation of a topic in bio-engineering or related to the student's discipline (internship, final
dissertation, project work etc.) followed by question -time and discussion.
- Job interwiews : candidate and jury part.
. Interactive :
- Interactive communication through classroom activities: role play, story-telling etc
- Exposure to a variety of real-life situations requiring specific language functions.
- Consolidation and improvement of grammar use, vocabulary accuracy as well as pronunciation.
. Level B1 du " Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues "
Writing skills
- Wirting a CV and a covering letter.
- A2-B1 level of CEF

Main themes
- Consolidation and improvement of grammar use, vocabulary accuracy as well as pronunciation.
- Language fucntions : agreeing ;disagreeing, interrupting politely etc
Socializing, introducing oneself and other colleagues, welcoming colleagues, small talk etc
Teaching Method
The student will take part in language activities which will enable him/her to improve communication skills in general and language accuracy, mainly speaking skills.(see above)o socializingo what makes a good presentation ?o meetings : participating and chairingo negociation, debating etco telephoningo job interviews

Content and teaching methods
- AGRO Bac 3
- 30h-2nd quadrimester, 2h/week
- This course aims at developing English communication skills of the student in order to enable him/her to function in
the relevant social and professional contexts .
-Assessment: continuous assessment and oral exam.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
To have attended the ANGL 1880 A + ANGL 1880 B or reached the B1 level of CEF.
Work load
- Classroom hours : 30 heures
- Self-study : 30 heures
Pedagogical support
- 18 students at most (interactive type of class)
- teacher available by appointment or during reception hours.
- Course notes
- Self-tuition CD-Rom
- Self-tuition and multimedia room of the ILV.
- Continuous assessment
- Oral exam :
. role play with 4 students integrating a maximum of language functions practiced in class.
. New job interview

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation bioingénieur (option : agronomie)
(2 credits)
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation bioingénieur (option : chimie)
(2 credits)
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation bioingénieur (option : environnement)
(2 credits)
