Reading comprehension
- The student should be able to understand complex scientific texts.
- B2 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages"
Listening Comprehension
. Individual :
The student should be able to understand in detail lectures, TV programmes or radio programmes on everyday
topics or on issues linked to their field of study provided the language is standard and the pronunciation is clear.
. Interactive :
The student should be able to follow an everyday conversation provided the pronunciation is clear (even if some
words or expressions would have to be repeated).
. B2 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages "
Speaking Skills
. Individual :
- The student should be able to give a detailed presentation on a scientific topic linked to their domain.
- The student should be able to go through an interview for a job linked to their domain.
. Interactive :
- The student should be able to hold a telephone conversation in everyday English.
- The student should be able to participate in/chair a meeting on a topic, either general or linked to their domain.
. Upper B2 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages "
Writing skills
- The student should be able to write a well-structured summary of a scientific text.
- The student should be able to write an email message in everyday English.
- The student should be able to write a letter of application for a job linked to their domain.
- B2 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages "

Main themes
- Revision of the pronunciation rules and of specific grammatical structures (question forms)
- Correction of common lexical and grammatical mistakes in class
Pedagogical approach
- Reading of scientific texts outside the classroom using appropriate reading strategies
- Analysis and discussion of these texts in class- Writing of summaries
- Interactive exercises on various issues (alternative medicine, privatisation of social security, advertising drugs on
the Net, genetically modified foodstuffs, genetic engineering, cloning, student exchange programmes)
- Presentations during classroom hours

Content and teaching methods
- This is an iunteractive 30 hour course taught two hours a week during one quadrimester (15 weeks).
- This course is meant for BAC 3 students in biomedical sciences, applied biomedical sciences, toxicology and
- This course aims to help students to perform effectively in their future professional contexts.
- It aims to develop the communication skills students will have to use in their future working lives while
strengthening their mastery of (general and specific) vocabulary and grammar.
- The exercises done in class will be based on real-life situations requiring the use of the speaking skills (taking part
in a meeting, being interviewed for a job) reading comprehension and to a lesser extent the writing skills (writing a
summary or an e-mail) .
- Assessment: oral exam(50%) - continuous assessment including a talk in class (50%).
Teachers: A. Verhaegen - S.Mulkers

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The student should have followed the ANGL 1850 course (Bac 2) or a course of a similar level, corresponding to the upper B1 level of the 'Common European Framework for Languages' (European Council).
- Classroom hours : 26
- Self-study : 54
Pedagogical accompaniment
- This is a two-hour course, taught weekly throughout the first quadrimester, in groups of maximum 18 students.
- Every teacher has at least one office-hour a week and can be contacted by email.
Didactic aids
- Course notes
- Visual equipment for the presentations (Powerpoint or overhead projectors)
- Continuous assessment including an oral presentation in class (50%)
- Individual oral exam consisting in a job interview simulation(25%)- Interactive oral exam consisting in a simulation of
a meeting on a topic linked to the students' domain (25%)

Other credits in programs
Première licence en sciences biomédicales (nutrition humaine)
Première licence en sciences biomédicales (sciences biomédicales expérimentales)
Année d'études préparatoires au master en sciences biomédicales
(3 credits)
Première licence en sciences biomédicales (toxicologie)
