Reading comprehension
. The students should be able to read in an autonomous way and to understand in detail long and complex texts
concerned with contemporary problems (concrete or abstract) or topics related to their fields and in which the
writers adopt particular attitudes or points of view.
. C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Listening comprehension
. Individual :
- The students should be able to understand in detail extended speech or conferences that contain complex lines
of argument as regards form and content provided the topic is familiar.
- They should be able to understand in detail most radio or TV programmes provided the topic is familiar.
. Interactive :
- The students should be able to understand the main point of discussions and debates on topics which are familiar
(even when relationships between ideas are only implied and not signalled explicitely)
- They should be able to understand in detail what is said in standard speech on matters regularly encountered in
everyday situations.
. Upper B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Spoken Production
. Individual :
- The students should be able to present their opinions and defend them convincingly by providing relevant
explanations and arguments.
- They should be able to explain a point of view giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
. Interactive :
- The students should be able to interact with native speakers in conversations or discussions in standard speech
on a subject of general interest without imposing strain on either party.
. Lower B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
. The students should be able to write short reports, summaries or letters containing factual information.
. Lower B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Main themes
1. Vocabulary : Broadening of the students' range of general and legal English (+/-3500 words).
2. Grammar : Development of complex grammatical structures in context (past, conditionals, passive, auxiliaries and
3. Prononciation: Revision of the pronunciation of basic words (3000 words) The code will be used for speaking
purposes mainly but attention will also be paid to accuracy.
For all aptitudes mentioned above : raising Anglo-saxon cultural awareness
Proficiency in general and academic vocabulary should be aimed at. (" Multitest "program on the ILV CD-ROM "). The vocabulary is either presented in context or according to semantic fields. Revision in context of the main grammar points and practice by means of written and oral exercises.The receptive skills will be trained and developed by means of reading comprehension and listening comprehension strategies where the students are expected to guess the meaning of words or anticipate ideas in a text. These techniques will be applied to audiotape/ video passages or texts which are of general interest and legally-oriented (cf. 1. course-notes: oral and written texts accompanied by reading or listening comprehension exercises and 2. (self-tuition) internet site- listening comprehension exercises). Revision of the pronunciation of the most frequently used words ("Répétiteur " program on the ILV CD-ROM) . Oral and written production will be practiced by means of exercises with clearly defined instructions (non-interactive exercises to train the use of language structures and to use the vocabulary) and free exercises ( interactive exercises such as role-plays, little debates, the production of short texts ...). The students are expected to make several interactive presentations during classroom hours after receiving tips on this skill (on a topic of general interest, on a legal topic chosen by the student or on a text included in the course-notes) and they are expected to organise speaking activities linked to their presentations.

Content and teaching methods
Code and title : ANGL 1822- English for Lawyers -upper-intermediate level
Year of study : Law BAC 1
Rhythm : 60hours, 2hours a week over the whole year
Objectives & Content :
1. develop receptive skills
- reading comprehension (by using long and complex texts concerned with contemporary problems)
- listening comprehension (by listening to radio or TV programmes)
2. develop productive skills
- speaking (by introducing presentations, debates ...)
- writing (production of short reports, summaries or letters)
Assessment :
continuous assessment, exemption test in December, written and oral exam

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course is an upper-intermediate course and the prerequisites are a) being able to use basic grammar and vocabulary in a productive wayb) having a good command of the language skills that are mentioned for the intermediate level ANGL 1821A placement test is likely to be organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
- Classroom hours : 52
- Self-study : 68 hours
Pedagogical Assistance
- Groups of max. 25 students
- The teacher can be contacted during his/her office-hours or by e-mail
- Personal help with language problems at the Self-Tuition Centre or the Multimedia Centre
Didactic aids
- Course-notes : "English for Lawyers - upper-intermediate level "
- Audio- and video tapes used in the language laboratories (and available at the Self-Tuition Centre)
- Listening comprehension exercises (internet site)
- ILV CD-rom (" Multitest " and " le Répétiteur ")
- Continuous assessment :
1. Classroom presentations
2. Grammar tests will be organised on a regular basis
3. Preparation, presence and classroom participation will be taken into account
- Exemption test in December on vocabulary (Multitest -ILV CD-Rom) and reading comprehension (esl-lab internet
- Written exam (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary questions)
- Oral exam (non-interactive production and interactive production)

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en droit
(5 credits)
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