Reading comprehension
- Students should be able to read autonomously and understand factual texts and specialised articles related to their
field of studies.
- Lower B2 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages"
Listening Comprehension
. Individual :
- Students should be able to understand current-affairs TV programmes and programmes which are related
to their field of studies.
- Students should be able to exploit the main points of a document in a conversation.
. Interactive : Students should be able to follow clearly articulated argumentation in a current conversation between
different interlocutors within the main socio-professional contexts.
. Upper B1 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages "
Speaking Skills
. Individual :
- Students should be able to express themselves clearly on a variety of general or specific (i.e.linked with their
field of studies) topics.
- Students should be able to express an opinion about a current affairs topic.
. Interactive :
- Students should be able to take part in a conversation on a familiar topic without any specific preparation.
- Students should be able to express themselves in such a way that hesitations, grammar, vocabulary and
pronunciation problems do not hinder communication.
. Upper B1 level of the " Common European Framework for Languages "

Main themes
- Acquisition of specific vocabulary.
- Consolidation of grammatical structures.

Content and teaching methods
- This course is meant for BAC 2 students.
- This is a 30 hour course taught two hours a week during one quadrimester (15 weeks)
- This upper-intermediate course aims to provide students with the vocabulary, grammar, reading techniques, and
the listening and speaking skills they will require for the advanced level course they will follow in BAC 3.
Assessment :
- written exam (50%)
- continuous assessment including a talk in class (50%)
Professeur : A.Verhaegen

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The student should have followed the lower intermediate course - part one (ANGL 1370) or a course of a similar level corresponding to the lower B1 level of the 'Common European Framework for Languages' (European Council).
Pedagogical approach
- Applying reading strategies to texts linked to the students' field of studies.
- Conversation activities (analysis, comments) on the texts and the video programmes.
- Screening of video programmes for extensive and intensive comprehension.
- Classroom hours : 26
- Self-study : 46
Pedagogical accompaniment
- Groups of maximum 25 students.
- Every teacher has at least one office-hour a week and can be contacted by email.- Accompaniment at the
Self-Tuition Center (CAA) and the Multimedia Room (SMM)
Didactic aids
- Course notes, a vocabulary handbook and a CD-ROM for self-tuition
- Videotapes used in the language laboratories and available at the Self-Tuition Centre (CAA) and the Multimedia Room
- Continuous assessment (25% of the global mark)
- Vocabulary test (formative assessment)
- Oral presentation in class (25% of the global mark)
- Written exam (50% of the global mark)
32 hours /week in the 1st term

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année d'études de bachelier en sciences informatiques
(3 credits)
Troisième année d'études de bachelier en sciences informatiques
(3 credits)
Année d'études préparatoires au master en sciences informatiques (60 et 120)
(3 credits)
